Saturday, June 6, 2009

What Would Reagan Do?

Uncle Bob is too young to have understood and appreciated the hard times of the late 1970's and early 1980's as they were happening, or as we'd say today, in 'real time'. Though Uncle Bob did carry a photo of Ronaldus Magnus in his wallet as a highschooler.

But Bob has read about those days and while it is not nearly the same as having lived through the disastrous Carter administration, it is none the less instructive. We are seemingly in the 2nd term of the Carter administration, if one was to open their eyes and be honest.

For those that can get by the 'historic' nature of Obama and for those that can put their anger at Bush behind them, you would honestly see that America is not headed to greater days visa via Obama's plans. Just the opposite.

As a Conservative, it is disheartening. Bleak. Looks like the World is going to Hell in a hand basket and that there's a run on hand baskets. Obama is taking over the automotive industry, taking over the banking industry, telling companies who, what, and how much they can pay. He is telling Iran it's okay to get their nuclear power industry up and running, that we know it's not for evil uses (wink wink). All the while we are told to build windmills for our power generation. The Chi-com's have bought Hummer brand from GM and will produce, while we are told to build little bitty cars that get 40 miles to the gallon, and are a death trap. This is not an expansion of American exectptionalism.

So, Bob asks "What Would Reagan Do?"

Ask and you shall receive. The following is to an article that lays out the Reagan Opposition after the 1976 election. It is instructive and encouraging for those of us of feel like we've never seen darker days for America. It is lengthy, but a fabulous read. Please take time to link and print off.

Uncle Bob's Take??? Not "What Would Reagan Do?" but rather "What Reagan Did"