Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dick Durbin...DumbA...

Anyone here in the Central/Southern Illinois area has long felt the shaft of Chicago in our politics. Nothing, you see, is South of I-80. Uncle Bob will go on vacation, be asked from where he hails. Simple reply of Illinois is enough to generate, Chicago?

"No" Bob will reply. Central Illinois. I'm closer to a Kentucky still than I am The Oprah (proud of it too).

A perfect example of this contempt for everything South of I-80 was displayed just this week in the Wall Street Journal, by none other than our embarrassment of a U.S. Senator than Dick Durbin.

The following is an outtake from Monday's Journal re: bringing terrorist, enemy combatants, non-citizens, to a prison here in Illinois. Uncle Bob could blog all day long about the insanity of awarding Constitutional rights to our enemy's. Do we want to win the war on Terror or not?? Anyway, w/o further adieu, Senator Durbin:

The idea of using the Thomson Correctional Center, 150 miles west of Chicago, has the support of some local elected officials, including Sen. Dick Durbin, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate. But people in Thomson, a town of roughly 500 people bordering the Mississippi River, said that while they welcome the economic lift, they worry about the possible effect from people visiting the detainees. ”

"This is an opportunity to dramatically reduce unemployment, create thousands of good-paying jobs and breathe new economic life into this part of downstate Illinois," Mr. Durbin said. "We should not let the unsupported and misplaced fears of a few stand in the way of this historic economic boost to our region."

I ask that you view the map Uncle Bob has provided. Uncle Bob's take? Senator Durbin is not in touch w/his own State, let alone this Great Country and further more I must question his education.

1 comment:

lindemrm said...

I suppose that if he considers Wisconsin "upstate", than he has a valid point, but that's about the only way. What an idiot.