Sunday, January 25, 2009

Little Buddy...Like Uncle Bob????

I saw my Body (shop) Man on Friday who relayed a very funny story, since detailed by Chad and Holly. Seems one of the little buddy's was playing on the back of Mommy's car when he 'accidentally' broke off the rear windshield wiper. Undoubtedly his beady little eyes shifted left, then right, then out the back of his head to see if anyone noticed. When no one had noticed, he put it back on and ran like hell. Day later when Mommy activated her rear wiper, that sucker shot across Martin Street like a javelin at the '84 Olympiad. When confronted about this and asked what Mommy should do when needing the wiper, he replied, get out and wipe off the window. Classic. Now anyone knows that Uncle Bob is a bit accident prone and always has been. Just last summer I helped a neighber move his mailbox closer to his home, to save on the walk. I however used my Jeep. And when my eyes went to shifting they went back and forth to the vast number of neighbors who had come out to see what was the matter. At the end of the day he had a new mailbox, closer to his home and I had new racing stripes on the Jeep. And Michele had $250 less to shop with. Lesson? Don't try to tie your shoes while driving. Now, can you guess the little buddy? And is this another example that he might be more like his Unlce Bob than most would be comfortable with??


Unknown said...

Can't imagine where you and he got to be like that. Must be from your Dad. But being the Mother and Grandmother, I can't think of anything any better than having both of you.
Love, Mom

Ashley and Evan said...

I think Holly and I need to have a looooooong talk.

aczumbahlen said...

All I can say is at least Holly finally got a mini-me when she had Luke. Chad has one, you have one, it's about time Holly added some genes to the mix! Great story about Ross! Since I have known you since you were that age it makes it even funnier!