Friday, April 3, 2009

April 7, 2009 City Elections

Friends & Neighbors,

Newton has a significant election coming up this April 7th. In addition to assorted Executive and Council seats on the ballot, so is the Zoning Board of Appeals.

I am currently the Secretary of the Zoning Board of Appeals and ask for your vote.

I am also asking that you support the individuals, some of whom now serve, on this example ballot.

Zoning is a reality here in Newton and whether or not you are in favor of zoning, you still need someone like yourself to represent your interests.

In advance, I appreciate your support.

Tim K. Farley


lindemrm said...

That's right. Be sure to get out the vote. I'm putting my support behind you. It's only one vote, but unlike the national election, each and every vote counts big-time in local elections. This certainly is a big election for the community.

Be sure to vote for Mark Bolander for Mayor as well. It will be a sad day is he doesn't win for sure.

Incidentally, if you happen to live in Ward 1, a vote for Rick Lindemann would be a good call as well.

Sarah D said...


I am so pleased that I will be able to cast my vote for you.

I sure hope that the citizens of Newton realize that this is a VERY important election and make some smart choices and get out and vote!

I only wish I still lived in Ward 1 so I could cast my vote for Rick!

Sarah D