Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Insurance Salesman

That is what Uncle Bob is. Uncle Bob presumes that a lot people wonder, just what does Uncle Bob do?? Seems like a fair question.

More specifically Uncle Bob has a concentration in commercial insurance, business'. Bob has a specialty and is confident enough in his specialty and self to believe everyone needs it. This specialty is insurance programs for restaurants and to a lesser degree the lodging industry, hotels, etc. This takes Bob far and wide in order to make a decent wage. It often takes Bob to the Metro East area. This in turn also allows Uncle Bob to sneak away to Busch and watch his beloved Redbirds, but not on this day, there would be no sneaking away.

On this day, Uncle Bob had been referred to a hotel by another of his insureds. Having reviewed coverage's etc w/this new fellow, Bob did as he always does, taking a look around to make sure the hotel was up to Bob's standards, insurance-wise. It past muster and Bob was ready to go about his day. But wait, "Jack" also had another location, of crucial importance. It was however substantially West of STL.

What was Bob to do? That's a long drive even for Bob, whose wife loves to goto STL, but couldn't’t on this Day and whom he'd told he'd be home late afternoon on this Friday. Was Bob to presume that his hotel would be just like the hotel he was at, was the prospect correctly describing this other location? It would be much later when Bob got home, if he made the trip. What was Bob to do?

Bob did the right thing and followed his gut. And it was a good thing. While Jack is preparing to spend $200K on the renovations, Bob's not sure that is enough. As I drove around the parking lot observing, wondering just what is going on behind those closed doors,I passed a gentleman I took for a drunk or junkie. Turned out he was maintaince. As he gave me a tour of the facilities, going into separate rooms to make sure that they would pass a more thorough inspection, Bob couldn't help but wonder how this story would read in the papers. (As a side note, Bob gripped his keys in his hands in the manner we teach our daughters when they go off to school and head out to a dark parking lot...if you know what I mean.)

Bob inquired about the appearance that some guests might be residents for a week long, maybe a month at a time, contractors and such. "Oh" hobo Joe replied "some have been here for years". Witness relocation program, Bob is doubtful.

As I left and we shook hands, it crossed my mind, any chance that last tooth is gonna fall out on Bob's hand? Well thankfully no.

So, with this episode, you get an idea of Bob's work and his life, which shapes his views, and of course shapes Uncle Bob's Take. And that Take???

In the great words of Ronald Reagan..."Trust but Verify". Words we should all truly live by.

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