Saturday, May 23, 2009


Been a lot of after the fact moralizing by some on the Left the past couple of months about this topic. Bob's all for it. If it means stopping these wako-Islamofacists from blowing up me or part of my country...hook the battery cables up to their, ahem, and goto work boys. Get the intel we need.

Uncle Bob loves political cartoons and is a big sports fan. This caught my eye today and made me think about torture. If you have done any reading and saw any in depth reporting on Vick and his operations, you would then understand what torture is. And for that matter what a psychopath looks like.

There are a lot of people in the sports world saying Vick has paid his price, did the time for the crime, give him a 2nd chance in the NFL. Well, Mr. Vick is now a felon. He paid his price, but he won't get to vote (if he ever did) and he won't get to carry a firearm (as if he won't anyway) and yet he paid his price, right? Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right. And it's rights that are granted in the Constitution, not privileges. Which there is nothing in the constitution about your right to affordable health care, but I digress.

Will Mr. Vick get a 2nd chance, sadly yea. And as much as Bob is not a fan of the People for the Eating of Tasty Animals, I hope that they make the NFL franchise that takes him on as miserable a place as that dog pound.

Fire at will Snoopy.

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