Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Big Mac and Uncle Bob

Mark McGwire came forward this week to basically affirm what all had suspected, that he used steroids during his career. Uncle Bob is not a moralist. I along time ago said I would do it. What he did was wrong. Was illegal. And disappoints alot of people, fans or otherwise. But to the best of my knowledge Mr. McGwire never beat his wife, his kids, his dog or cat. Mr. McGwire, to the best of my knowledge never cheated on his wife, his kids, his dog or his cat.

Uncle Bob has Mr. McGwire's autograph in his office. I can still recall that day in Spring Training. Dad was a across the way bird-dogging as Mac came down the line signing autographs. I and Lea wainted in the wings. She must have been 10 or so. I held her up over a chain link fence and Big Mac walked over and signed.

The autograph is nice. I would never sell it. It is, and will continue to be proudly displayed in my office. But the memory of me, my Father, and Lea is what means the most. Oh yea, Mom and Michele were in the background.

I don't recall the year, but we stood in line, Michele, Lea, a friend, and Uncle Bob, before a game in which McGwire had a bobblehead doll give away. It was a long snaking line, the kind Bob would only stand in to kick Obama in the healthcare. We got our bobblehead and it too is in Bob's office.

So..Uncle Bob's Take? Never more so that in the light of Tiger Woods, or Big Mac's affirmation is it true what Charles Barkley (famous basketball player) said: I am not a role model.

Mom's, Dad's, Grandma and Grandpa's, and even (gulp) Uncle Bobs should be, and we are, all role models.

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