Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We're Going to Illinois and North Dakota and Nevada and

This is Uncle Bob's tribute to Scott Brown and his election last week in Massachusetts.

Uncle Bob has been feeling a bit pressured lately on his blog. Bob has long been shocked at the hit counter on this blog. Mrs. Uncle Bob generally scoffs when I tell her I've touched a lot of people. Anyway...

Uncle Bob has been approached by "fans" of the blog that I quite frankly didn't know had a computer, others figuring out who Uncle Bob is, and a few wackos calling for Bob and higher office. Oh dear!

So Bob has been a bit mindful of what he says and felt the need to give Bob's Take on the vote last week. But Bob must be moved to give his Take.

So it finally hit me tonight as I was meditating in the hottub, yes Uncle Bob gets in the hot tub in all temperatures. It maybe in the single digits outside, but it's 106 in Bob's tub. Nothing like a Bob-beard icicle.

This election in Mass was a great triumph for the GOP. Uncle Bob is not in the business of dissecting candidates, issues, and to whom to vote for. Uncle Bob does not believe the Obama-Pelosi-Reid agenda is what is best for the greatest country in the history of the World. And in order to get back to the Founding Father's ideas of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, we need more of what happened last Tuesday.

And what a great line by Mr. Brown in his acceptance speech, I paraphrase: We need to be spending money buying weapons to fight terrorists not spending money trying terrorists in our court system. Amen.

Gov Dean's rant serves as the inspiration heading into November on two points:

1) The GOP needs to win Democrat seats up for election and retain the Republican seats up for reelection. and 2)Do not become a screaming lunatic on the campaign trail.

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